Be Good, Do Good!

December the last month of the year and the last month to make this year count, it’s never late to start something so if you still have any pending things remember there’s no better way than the present.

As a reflect in what the past 11 months have been or giving me and my family, I realized that it has been a roller coaster with more ups than downs and what make this downs not so down is that I chose to see life with a different eye this time, I chose to see the good in every situation and to appreciate what I have rather than what I don’t and is hard at times to see it like this but for so long I was bitter,  I was sad, I was lonely till I open my eyes and I saw that I have the most incredible man next to me, walking next to me not ahead or behind, I was blessed with three beautiful little princesses which know that it’s ok to be a princess but it better to be a warrior princess, I have my wonderful parents far from me in body but close in soul and heart, my three older brothers who write me everyday and who are always sending us lots of love, I don’t have a lot of friends here but I have that one friend that makes up for one thousand and the most important thing is that I’m healthy, I’m breathing and I’m moving and for that I need to be positive, I need to be good but I want to do great, I like to give smiles because you know they’re free and you never know who’s life you can change by sending some love and kindness.

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So be thankful for what you have,  be positive, do good and be good and I swear to you life will be brighter.

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4 thoughts on “Be Good, Do Good!

  1. Me da muchisimo gusto verte tan feliz y nunca cambies ese espiritu. La felicidad no depende en el tener, no depende de los demas, la verdadera felicidad esta dentro de ti cuando nos damos cuenta de cuantas cosas nos regala Dios dia a dia.
    Sigue disfrutando esta etapa maravillosa en tu vida con tu esposo y tus princesas, ellos son la base de tu felicidad!
    TQM! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yo te quiero mas y si me tarde un poco en abrir los ojos pero por fin estoy en esta estapa. Gracias amiga y tu tambien disfruta a tu princesa y a tu esposo que son una bendicion. 😙


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